Howlong country golf club, Howlong golf course

With the hole by hole visual tour offered by 36tee, Howlong has become the number one golf course in country NSW. Howlong golf course was already famous for its growing membership, clubhouse, and tournaments; and now with a partnership with 36tee, they are able to offer a valuable insight to their golf course.


With the help of a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), Howlong country golf club has risen in its position among top 100 golf courses Australia. And that’s not all – 36tee also offers a Google Cardboard app to Howlong that allows interested users to take a virtual tour of the golf course.

This is a world first for golf and is just a taste of things to come from .



The UAV's fly around the course and capture everything in 3D and 2D video and format. This process would be repeated every two years to ensure that the course vision is current and the technology provided by is cutting edge, future-proofing the clubs investment .

Mapping and survey services are another option that golf courses can take advantage and would be extremely helpful with course maintenance.


The team at 36tee will be focused on capturing an accurate view of the entire golf course using video flyovers & CGI (computer generated imagery). This combined with NFC wireless technology gives a complete visual solution to the golf club, while providing an added courtesy to their patrons. Having an in-depth view of a previously unseen golf course gives the viewer a distinct advantage by aiding shot selection hazard avoidance .

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